Thoughts from the President! RTC Off to Blistering Pace for the First Half of 2015, as We Continue to Add Mid-Tier Retailers to Our MMS & Store Systems Portfolio

Halfway through 2015, and RTC has seen its busiest year since before the economic downturn.  We have signed several new Store Systems & POS deals and entered into three significant agreements to take on MMS operations, software development & maintenance, as we continue to grow our customer base in supporting JDA® MMS® retailers.  Our consulting and ASP Hosting Partnerships continues to expand, so we have had to bring on additional MMS consultants to meet the growing demands as retailers look to increase inventory visibility to accommodate their Omni Channel plans.

Retailers continue to see value in our MMSxTend Solutions, especially our – Warehouse Optimization RF, Replenishment and Allocation modules.  Furthermore, RTC is once again at the forefront of the “Mobile Revolution” with our StoreMobile Inventory applications providing retailers the real time functionality they need to fulfill in today’s retail environment.


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